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R. A. Mendsen started as a fan of High and Epic Fantasy, who devoured as many books on the genre as humanely possible. Wanting to create worlds as magical and adventurous as those she read about, she started working on an idea for a Fantasy story after listening to - on repeat - a certain Iron Maiden album.

Life, of course, intervened, and the dreams of penning down an epic book filled with sorcery and treason, quests and adventures, got pushed to the back burner.

Many years went by where the story stuck to the back of her head, but was never developed. Enter the year 2017, and finding herself with a bit of free time in her hands, R. A. decided to revisit those places of her youth that had given birth to her love for Fantasy, and found herself writing what was to be an epic trilogy in the span of a year. 

ISANTA will be the author's first published work, and is expected to be published at the start of 2020.

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